R e c ip e s b e g in o n
p a g e i8 o .
M i c h e l ’s w i f e
is th e family baker,
b u t during the holidays, the rolling pin is
passed to th e older kids—they teach the
younger ones the fundam entals o f rolling
and cutting sugar cookies. It’s a lovable,
laughable m ess o f sugar and flour th at
starts w hen Lori gets o u t the fam ily’s box
of cherished cookie cutters. Betw een
dinner and dessert, M ichel serves his
unique cheese course, Pear and Goat
Cheese Bread T art. A dored for its chew y
bread base and fruit-cheese topper, the
ta rt is perfect before Pan-Fried Angel’s
Food Cake. Following a recipe handed
dow n from M ichel’s grandm other, the
cake b a tte r includes alm ond flour and is
sw eetened w ith Vanilla Bean-Verbena
Sugar. The tow ering cake is cut into
slices, buttered, and fried ju st until
toasty-crisp. Piled onto a platter, the
cake and a dish o f hom em ade jam is
set by th e fireplace for com fy post-
dinner nibbling.
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